Your guide to US state data privacy compliance

Five U.S. data privacy laws go live in 2023. Is your business ready?

Download this guide for a crash course in U.S. state privacy law compliance: key similarities, gotchas to watch out for, and eight essential steps to future-proofing your compliance. 


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Learn important similarities

Understand key concepts and terminology to understand across data privacy laws in five key US states 

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Understand the risks

Learn the price of non-compliance in each of these U.S. states, and the risks that follow 

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Make a plan for compliance 

Read our eight practical steps to make your company compliant

About US state privacy compliance

The U.S. still lacks a comprehensive privacy law. It is governed under a handful of sectoral laws such as COPPA, HIPAA and GLB. But state legislators are taking the matter into their own hands. 

In response to what they perceive is a vacuum at the federal level, a number of U.S. states have enacted their own comprehensive privacy law. The state legislators have borrowed heavily from the EU data protection framework, and your ability to adhere to GDPR will certainly be helpful to compliance. However, each state privacy law has its own nuances and compliance challenges. 

In this guide, you’ll learn about the specific requirements of each active U.S. State Privacy Law: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Nevada, Utah, and Virginia.

About Ketch

Ketch enables businesses and platforms to build trust with consumers and grow with data. The Ketch Data Permissioning Platform is a coordinated set of applications, infrastructure, and APIs that collapses the cost and complexity of privacy operations and mobilizes responsibly gathered data for deeper customer engagement and top-line growth. 

With Ketch Programmatic Privacy™ for privacy ops, companies can adapt programmatically to fast-changing regulations while managing risk and cutting operational and privacy engineering costs by 80%. With Ketch Data Stewardship, businesses achieve complete, dynamic data control and intelligence over a company’s vital data assets, building trust and creating the foundation for responsible AI and advanced data and analytics initiatives. 

No matter where you’re based, and no matter the size or nature of your business, if you collect any data pertaining to a person based in one of the Participating States you need to pay attention to the these state privacy laws.

U.S. State Data Privacy Laws: A Quick Guide to Compliance


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