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The State of The Internet

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Regulators and privacy advocates are growing increasingly vigilant in calls for marketers and publishers to respect privacy signals. Are they doing it?

Download this study for a deep dive on the state of data collection on the web, and how businesses across various sizes and industries are respecting people's data rights.


We examined data collection practices and privacy signal compliance for 62 of the U.S. Top 100 websites, 72 midmarket sites, and 137 data-system vendors, including 36 major data brokers.

Collectively, these websites represent a broad cross-section of industries—retail and ecommerce marketplaces, media and content, financial services, and healthcare—and account for 1.7 trillion data collection events per month.

About Ketch

Ketch is a data permissioning platform for privacy operations and data activation. Our software helps brands collect and activate permissioned data for use in advertising and AI initiatives.

Brands use Ketch to capture consent from consumers, enforce choices across the business ecosystem for data in rest, in transit, and in use, and leverage responsibly-gathered data for growth.

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4.6 out of 5 | Google Certified CMP and top-rated consent management platform on G2

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Are businesses respecting opt out signals? Learn the truth.

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