An avalanche of change has swept over marketers who need new strategies to continue to grow revenue and build customer loyalty. In addition to new privacy regulations and third-party cookie deprecation, changing consumer behavior is increasingly forcing brands to expand their marketing playbooks.
Download our guide to learn how marketers can embrace new consumer trends and evolving privacy regulations to build deeper customer relationships that drive growth.
The marketer's playbook has been disrupted. Learn what's causing the changes.
People are voting for brands with their wallets. Learn how data privacy practices impact the bottom line.
Avoid common data privacy mistakes with our essential tips for collaborative success.
The U.S. still lacks a comprehensive privacy law. It is governed under a handful of sectoral laws such as COPPA, HIPAA and GLB. But state legislators are taking the matter into their own hands.
In response to what they perceive is a vacuum at the federal level, a number of U.S. states have enacted their own comprehensive privacy law. The state legislators have borrowed heavily from the EU data protection framework, and your ability to adhere to GDPR will certainly be helpful to compliance. However, each state privacy law has its own nuances and compliance challenges.
This complex regulatory environment introduces uncertainty for business leaders grappling with maintaining data and revenue growth—especially marketers. Learn how to approach these changes with our guide.
Ketch enables businesses and platforms to build trust with consumers and grow with data. The Ketch Data Permissioning Platform is a coordinated set of applications, infrastructure, and APIs that collapses the cost and complexity of privacy operations and mobilizes responsibly gathered data for deeper customer engagement and top-line growth.
With Ketch Programmatic Privacy™ for privacy ops, companies can adapt programmatically to fast-changing regulations while managing risk and cutting operational and privacy engineering costs by 80%. With Ketch Data Stewardship, businesses achieve complete, dynamic data control and intelligence over a company’s vital data assets, building trust and creating the foundation for responsible AI and advanced data and analytics initiatives.
Ketch makes the onboarding process easy with their hands-on Customer Experience team. I love how easy it is to customize privacy notices for our brand voice and add new tags for our marketing campaigns. If you need a privacy solution that works seamlessly with your marketing activity, Ketch is the answer.